This page contains information for new and current volunteers. It provides helpful hints, instructions, and procedures to make volunteering a safe, productive, and rewarding experience.
Please be aware of the confidential nature of participant information. All route sheets must be returned for the protection of the participant. Do not reveal the participant's name or personal matters to anyone other than a Meals on Wheels staff member.
Pick Up and Delivery
Meals are delivered each Monday-Friday.
Meals consist of one hot tray, one cold tray, and one milk carton.
Volunteer Delivery Process
Sign in at your assigned pick-up site between 10:30 and 11:00 am.
The Site Coordinator will assist you in loading the insulated totes.
Review your route sheet with the Site Coordinator to identify any changes or special instructions.
During delivery, contact the Meals on Wheels office if the participant is not at home or if you have any questions or concerns.
Sign and return the route sheet:
▪ In person at your pick-up site
▪ By scanning and emailing it to sweber@mowrowan.org
▪ By mailing it to Meals on Wheels Rowan, PO Box 1914, Salisbury, NC 28145.
What to do if...
The Participant does not answer their door - 1) knock loudly, 2) call their name, and 3) call the phone number listed on the route sheet. Double-check the route sheet to see if there are special instructions about what to do if the participant is not home. If you cannot locate the participant, call the Meals on Wheels Rowan office immediately (before you leave their home), and we will call their emergency contact or ask local law enforcement to do a safety check. Leave a "We Missed You!" door hanger on their door. Do not leave the meal.
Medical Emergencies - If you arrive to find a participant in immediate need of medical attention, please call 911! Do not attempt to move the participant. Stay with the participant until help arrives. Call the Meals on Wheels office to report the incident.
If you notice a change in a participant's condition or anything of concern at home, Call the Meals on Wheels office. We will follow up on your report.
Volunteer Safety- If you encounter an unsafe situation while delivering, do not deliver the meal. Use your own discretion and good judgment to determine if you feel unsafe. Please notify the Meals on Wheels office if such a situation occurs.
If you are unsure about how to handle a situation, call the Meals on Wheels office at 704-633-0352.
Participant Contributions - Occasionally, participants may wish to contribute to the Meals on Wheels program by sending it along with a volunteer. If you receive a contribution from a participant, please return it to the office and give it to a staff member.
Absences - We know that, occasionally, things happen that will prevent you from volunteering. If you deliver as part of a church or business team, please call your team coordinator. Otherwise, contact the Meals on Wheels office as soon as possible so we can schedule a substitute volunteer.
Inclement Weather
Meals on Wheels Rowan does NOT follow local school cancellations.
We may be able to deliver meals before inclement weather arrives. Meals on Wheels Rowan will announce any delivery cancellations or delays.
We will post delivery updates on our website, Facebook, and ouroutgoing office message at 704-633-0352.
Our inclement weather updates will also be carried by:
• WSAT Radio - 1280AM/103.3FM
• WBTV Channel 3
• WCNC-TV Channel 6
• WSOC-TV Channel 9 -
If you are unsure about the Meals on Wheels schedule, please call 704-633-0352. Do not venture out in unsafe driving conditions. If we plan to deliver, don’t hesitate to contact us if you are uncomfortable driving or delivering.
Participants receive Inclement Weather Totes during the summer and winter. These totes contain three days of shelf-stable meals in case our volunteers cannot deliver.
Please address participants using their names.
Show a genuine interest; be a good listener.
Speak clearly and audibly. Many participants have hearing difficulties.
Do not direct conversation toward a participant's illness or disability.
Do not provide your personal contact information to participants.
Please refrain from using your own money to meet a participant's needs.